Co-Host: Kim Ades - Frame Of Mind Coaching
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My returning guest is Frame Of Mind coach Kim Ades. She has observed that high-achieving, driven men tend to struggle in four key, and quite valid areas.
The first is ‘isolation’, which encompasses a lot more than you might be guessing. It’s not only about relationships, but also about carrying responsibility and the expectations of others. What a mess already, right?
Well,that’s just the beginning. Stay tuned as Kim talks about why high-achieving men often experience friction in their relationships. This friction can either be overt or covert, which Kim goes on to explain. But either way, it’s invariably a source of massive frustration.
But wait, there’s more. High-achievers can also feel chronic dissatisfaction…at work, at home, their social lives, and for sure in their relationships with women. So what’s up with THAT?
The fourth struggle Kim has identified is based on a term she has coined herself, and that’s ‘slippage’. It’s probably not what you’re guessing it is.
How do these four ways we struggle affect our dating lives and ultimately our relationships with women? What is it that’s making so many men feel beaten down in general? Why is it that billionaires often can balance their lives to the point of having plenty of ‘free time’, yet most of the rest of us struggle mightily just to keep up with our daily grind?
And by the way, what does our upbringing and/or our birth order have to do with any of this? Add it all up, and you’ll likely not only relate to much of what is talked about in this show, but also LOVE the solutions Kim comes up with.
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