Episode 84 – Reconnecting With Women From The Past

Co-Host Johnnie Raines

Co-Host: Johnnie Raines - OnTV

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Johnnie Raines is a Hollywood casting director best known for working on reality television shows like The Bachelor. His latest project is called ‘First Love, True Love’, which will be bringing together couples who knew each other in the past but haven’t seen each other in years.

As soon as Johnnie contacted me about that, I immediately recognized it as a brilliant topic that has never been covered on this show.

With the meteoric rise of social media it’s almost impossible NOT to find yourself catching up with someone, if not everyone, you haven’t seen in ages. So then, is it ever a good idea to rekindle an ‘old flame’? And what about someone you’ve secretly desired ever since high school or college, but never had the chance to connect with in the first place? What are the chances it’ll turn out to be true love instead of a major disaster? And if you do decide to go for it, how do you go about it?

Plus, there’s plenty of time to talk about reality TV in general, and even a chance for you to be on Johnnie’s new show. At the end, I also tell you how to get your hands on my free special report on how to reconnect with women on Facebook: http://www.thechickwhisperer.com/facebook

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