Episode 97 – Dating Differences Between Men And Women

Co-Host Dawoon Kang

Co-Host: Dawoon Kang - Coffee Meets Bagel

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My co-host Dawoon Kang and her sisters famously refused Mark Cuban’s $30M offer for their dating app, Coffee Meets Bagel. Now she’s on the show for a frank discussion about the differences between how men and women date…much of it based on her company’s own market research.

Personally, I think their app should have been called “Beer Meets Pretzels”, but as it turns out there’s a strategic reason why that wouldn’t have been the best plan.

In this show you’ll discover what “high quality” means to both men and women…based on survey results. Plus, you’ll hear Coffee Meet’s Bagel’s genius solution to ghosting, along with the 100% ninja way they actually make their woman-friendly app more GUY friendly by removing the single biggest bane of every man’s online dating existence. In fact, they actually HELP us as guys solve yet another major area of online dating that usually leaves us twisting in the wind.

Oh, and just for good measure, Dawoon’s shocking take on hook-up culture will NOT be what you expect to hear.

Dawoon is sweet, friendly and giggles a lot.  You’ll like her.  Fair warning, though…you’ll have to get used to her referring to human beings in terms typically reserved for breakfast items, but hey…that’s branding.

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