Episode 129 – Response Ability

Co-Host Orlando Owen

Co-Host: Orlando Owen - Re-Masculation

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My co-host for this episode has made a multi-million dollar fortune and lost it…all before ultimately figuring out what it means to take responsibility as a man.

There’s that word…responsibility. It’s what all of our parents used to harp on us about constantly in our teenage years, yet it’s also exactly what nearly everyone on Twitter sorely lacks nowadays.

But responsibility truly is a linchpin to maximizing your masculine power, and foolishly ignoring it at your own peril truncates your development as a man.

In this show Orlando and I talk about the real-world difference between spoiled brats and kids who have to face adversity, and yet society has made lack of responsibility feel almost normal these days.

We discuss how and why so many people easily become brainwashed ‘sheeple’ these days, and why most men ultimately go out ‘not with a bang but a whimper’.

Find out what ‘Generation Selfie’ is missing out on, and the truly simple way to reclaim it.

Hear why going broke was the best thing that ever happened to Owen and how fear is intimately related to responsibility.

How did we get to the point where even saying the word ‘entitlement’ is a ‘microaggression’ to those with an entitlement mentality? I mean, in a post-modern world with no real struggles, is responsibility even relevant anymore? I’ll just say this…wait until you hear my semi-serious take on how another country really COULD infiltrate the United States.

Oh, and as promised here’s the infamous “Scream” picture:


The Scream


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