Episode 140 – Use Your Voice To Attract Women, Success And Power

Co Host Krystin Wahl

Co-Host: Krystin Wahl - Speak Yourself Rich

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Krystin Wahl is a vocal essence expert. You would think doing a podcast with a voice expert would be about as unnerving as going on a date with a psychiatrist, but besides having a pleasant voice Krystin is also very sweet and easy-going, which made the show a breeze.

Never mind the fact that trying not to trip over our words during the recording was like trying not to think of a polka-dot elephant.

Anyway, one of Krystin’s favorite topics is how a man can use his voice to be attractive to women. But your voice has tremendous impact on so many other areas of your life also, including confidence, success and power.

In this episode we talk about ‘voice mail syndrome’, why so many of us dislike the sound of our own voice, why women LOVE a man’s sexy voice so much, and what the Romans knew about voice energy that so many of us overlook in today’s world.

We’ll also cover how your voice can betray you, causing women to lose attraction FAST. That leads to a fascinating discussion of what I’ll call ‘The Hollywood Effect’…with examples from movies such as Multiplicity and Pulp Fiction.

Krystin also shares how to find your voice’s ‘proprietary blend’ while still being authentically yourself. Finally…can your voice actually keep you from getting ‘ghosted’?


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