Episode 188 – I Need You Tonight, ‘Cuz I Ain’t Sleepin’

Co-Host Mollie McGlocklin

Co-Host: Mollie McGlocklin - Sleep Is A Skill

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Let’s face it. If I know anything about you guys who listen to this show, it’s that you’re not getting any sleep. It may seem heroic now, but it’s not healthy and it’s pretty much killing us.

Enter Mollie McGlocklin, a sleep optimization expert who knows how to put this topic to bed, once and for all. Fortunately, she didn’t take my advice and call her upcoming new podcast ‘Sleep With Mollie’ or ‘Let’s Go To Bed’. She wisely chose ‘Sleep Is A Skill‘ as her brand, and her mission is to give us a wake up call when it comes to healthy sleep.

So don’t worry, sleepyhead…this ain’t one of those weird but crazy-popular podcasts designed for insomniacs. So then, what did Mollie discover through her own sleepless experiences? And why is it that we have such a harder time getting to sleep in today’s world?

Why is everyone up all night and getting up at the crack of lunch? How exactly is that making us sicker?

Meanwhile, is there really an ideal sleep amount, or does that vary? Why do older folks actually need less sleep? How come some people need a cold and/or noisy room? And what’s up with ‘power napping’?

Plus, as a special bonus you’ll get my quick and dirty tips for solving ‘jet lag’.

Sweet dreams, amigos.

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