Episode 134 – How Women Talk About Men When We’re Not Around

Co-Host Emily McKay

Co-Host: Emily McKay - X & Y Communications

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It took a whopping 134 episodes, but my wife Emily is finally the co-host. That makes perfect sense because we just finished recording the OPPOSITE conversation together on How Men Talk About Women When They’re Not Around. You can find that as episode 54 of our other show, X & Y On The Fly.

But in THIS action-packed conversation, you’ll hear why women LOVE to talk about their husbands and boyfriends…and if there are any limits to what is said out loud.

How do women talk about sex differently when men aren’t around? How do they talk about men they’ve just broken up with…or gone on a first date with…or just had sex with?

What goes on at those clandestine sex toy parties? Do women talk about their fantasies more openly around other women? Do they get frisky with each other in private like we always fantasize about?

How do women talk among themselves about a guy they like? What does a guy do that warrants women talking about him for an ENTIRE work day on the job together? How do women who are ‘catty’ with each other weave us as men into the conversation? How do women strategize with each other to get us to talk to them?

What’s up with women’s matchmaking tendencies? How do women daydream with each other about being approached vs. what sounds creepy to them?

What about how they talk about buff, hot guys vs. men who attractive to them in more subjective ways?

Get examples of what women dare not talk about in front of men EVER, the unexpected truth about ‘man bashing’ sessions, and even how women ‘pep talk’ each other before dates (and it’s NOT what you might think).

This special tandem set of episodes for both this show and X & Y On The Fly is all in celebration of our newly launched program on how to have the long-term relationship you want, make sure it’s built to last, and be the envy of other couples everywhere.  That’s Get Together, Stay Together for men, and the women’s version can be found here: My One & Only.


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