Episode 148 – Dating And Relating The Right Way

Co-Host Christy Edwards-Lawton

Co-Host: Christy Edwards-Lawton - Righter

More from this Guest

This is going to be one of the most controversial episodes I’ve ever produced. That’s because politics are a hot potato nowadays, and this show inextricably links dating, relating and politics without apology.

But regardless of how you vote, if you’ve EVER found yourself thinking all American women have lost feminine values and don’t believe in gender roles anymore, you need to listen to this podcast.

Similarly, if you appreciate guests who can passionately explain what they believe and why in detail, you’re in for a treat.

Enter my co-host Christy Edwards-Lawton, former high-end matchmaker and founder of conservative dating app Righter.

While working on the Trump campaign, Christy met a beautiful model in Manhattan who couldn’t find true love because she was conservative. Noticing how dating sites and apps such as OKCupid and Bumble were actively discouraging politically conservative users, she saw a clear opportunity to connect millions of right-leaning men and women everywhere.

In this episode, Christy and I wonder aloud what ever happened to dating and courtship. Is it obsolete, or do people really want to stop ‘hanging out’ and develop real connection again?

You’ll also hear Christy’s surprising views on sites and apps like OKCupid and Bumble…and why they are unhappy about Righter, despite openly shunning conservative users.

You’ll likely stand up and cheer when you hear Christy’s take on what women should wear on dates.

Are conservative women hotter? And how does a man attract them? Christy also reveals her surprising thoughts regarding electing a female president.

Plus, my ideas on Debra Messing’s vagina cupcakes and why OKCupid is so politically biased and Match less so, even though they are owned by the same company.


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2 thoughts on “Episode 148 – Dating And Relating The Right Way

  1. I signed up on Righter and am not happy with it as there is no way to send messages! How can you contact people!

    1. Hello Anita…

      Here is the fix directly from Righter for that issue, as it happens on some phones:

      Here is the quick fix for folks reporting they are not getting matches.

      “Have them be sure their phone is updated with the latest iOS. Then quick fix: make sure location services are turned on for your device, then disable location permissions for the app and then re-enable them. restart the app and it should work. location services have to be on when you initially give the app permissions.”

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