Episode 331 — Weed Out The Wrong Women

Co-Host Emily McKay

Co-Host: Emily McKay - X & Y Communications

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Who knows why this topic hadn’t been covered yet around here? My edumckayted guess is it probably had something to do with repressed memories. Yes, Emily and I both are survivors of first marriages affected by profound illness. And yes…we both strongly agree you would be better off avoiding psychotic people in general, especially the sexy female ones.

But when you get right down to it, that’s only one kind of woman you should definitely run away from. So why is it, then, that too many of us as men end up with the wrong woman? Is it that we ignore red flags? Is it failure to even recognize red flags at all? Or does low self-esteem compel us to settle, which is at least better than being lonely? Is it about being ‘clouded by beauty vision’? For sure, some people–men OR women–are manipulated or even threatened by black-hearted partners into sticking around. Or what if it’s something else entirely?

Well, here at X & Y Communications we believe in deserving what you want. That means rolling up the sleeves and doing what it takes to get the RIGHT woman into your life. After this ironically funny and entertaining episode, we pledge you’ll be much better equipped to pick up on warning signs, make better decisions and most of all…ultimately weed out crazy, selfish, mean, addicted, needy and/or fundamentally incompatible women.


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