Episode 332 — Independent Thinking, Trusting Your Gut, And Following Your Yes

Co-Host Ken Bechtel

Co-Host: Ken Bechtel - Follow Your Yes

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My guest Ken Bechtel has given a lot of thought to being true to oneself, or as he calls it, ‘following your yes’.

Essentially, the conversation on such a topic revolves around doing what we’re told vs. thinking, feeling and intuiting for ourselves. Sometimes that’s even trickier than it sounds. For example, what if someone else’s ‘yes’ really sounds like it SHOULD be OUR yes also, but it really shouldn’t be?

So then, what if your yes isn’t everyone else’s yes? And what if everyone else’s yes doesn’t seem like yours? How do our heart, head and gut instinct work together properly to make the right ‘yes’ decisions at the right time?

How do different personality types find their ‘yes’ in different ways? And how does following your ‘yes’ reconcile with finding purpose and meaning over the longer-term?

What if following your ‘yes’ creates significant hardship in your life, or causes a rift in your family or your social circle? Are certain personality types better at all of this than others?

What do many men fail to say yes to that they should? And what are too many men saying yes to that they shouldn’t?


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