Episode 334 — Stay Out Of Divorce Court

Co-Host Joe Cordell

Co-Host: Joe Cordell - Cordell & Cordell

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I felt like I already knew this guy, having heard his radio commercials here in San Antonio for like 12 years now. Maybe you’ve heard of Joe Cordell also, as his family law firm for men only is in 37 states and the UK now–all supported by radio ads. The real question, however, is why I couldn’t have heard of this guy 19 years ago when I needed him!

In this unique episode, Joe talks more candidly than any divorce lawyer I’ve ever met about YOUR rights as a man, the patterns he sees in couples filing for divorce, why most divorces are likely preventable, and how to make the best decisions for yourself AND your family if confronted with the possibility of divorce yourself. Wait until you hear what Joe has to say about when men vs. women file for divorce.

He also has surprising comments regarding the oft-used phrase ‘in the best interest of the children’. Equally surprising is who Joe suggests you call FIRST when considering divorce (it’s not a lawyer).

What’s more, Joe has dedicated sites with plentiful blog posts offering actionable, real-world advice to men facing divorce. It’s all rock-solid, and he drops some key examples in this show.

Whether you’re facing a divorce, already divorced, single or in a happy relationship there’s something for you in this action-packed show…including secrets to long-lasting relationships and an update to how your rights as a man are doing here in the good ol’ US of A. Joe even has powerful words about how to STOP being “Mr. Nice Guy” and do what you’ve got to do, whenever it has to be done (but especially in a divorce situation).

Does this show hit home for you right now? If so, get on the phone with me using the contact button on this page and let’s talk about saving you a WORLD of pain (and even expense) when looking divorce in the eye.


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