Episode 427 – Say Your Name (And Attract Her)

Co-Host Dr. Laura Sicola

Co-Host: Dr. Laura Sicola - Cognitive Linguist, Leadership Communication and Influence Coach

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My guest Dr. Laura Sicola is a TEDx laureate with over 7 million views. As a cognitive linguist and a leadership communication and influence coach, I had big plans to do a show with her on all of the stuff she’s a genius at. For starters, she’s from Philadelphia, where everyone talks fast…so she KNOWS the importance of, say…slowing down and enunciating, for sure.

BUT…as you’ll notice when you listen to the episode, all of that got flipped on its ear when we kicked off by talking about how our NAMES relate to dating and attraction. It was such a powerful and unique topic we stayed on it for 50 minutes! After all, even Dale Carnegie himself acknowledged how everyone’s favorite words are their own name, and their favorite sound someone saying it.

So, how should you actually SAY your name when introducing yourself to people…especially women? And how can you know a woman is attracted simply by how she says your name?

What should you do if you meet a woman and instantly forget her name (which we all have)? What is the absolute best way to introduce yourself to a woman so that she’ll remember you (and your name)?

Next, listen in as Dr. Laura gives you the perfect strategy if you’re name is frequently misspelled or mispronounced. Then, what if you’re dating a great woman…except you can’t stand her name?

On that front, what if you can’t stand your OWN name…then what? It’s a funny, entertaining show with some legitimately original actionable content…enjoy.


Dr. Laura Sicola’s TEDx Talk: Want To Sound Like A Leader? Start By Saying Your Name Right.

The Mountain Top YouTube channel features fluff-free tips on getting better with women:



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