Episode 433 – Sexual Aggression In The Best Way Possible

Co-Host Dana Shergill

Co-Host: Dana Shergill - Kinky Wellness Coach

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The word ‘aggression’ is a loaded one, isn’t it? It sounds inherently violent, so when combined with the context of sexuality, we as men tend to avoid even thinking about it like the plague. But what if my returning guest, kinky wellness coach Dana Shergill told you that men tend to have a LOT harder a time with the concept than women do?

Well, any man who has ever been curious enough to crack one of those romance novels for women probably has already figured out that women fantasize in genuinely aggressive ways most of us as men would never guess. That’s why this episode is not only all-important, but also–perhaps unexpectedly–a whole lot of fun.

Dana explains how ‘aggression’ and ‘fun’ absolutely do peacefully coexist in the naughty little minds of women. Next, she offers a fascinating perspective on women’s relationship with pain…and how different it is from men.

If this conversation is sounding dangerous already, that’s just the warm-up. Dana continues, explaining how there are plenty of areas in life where aggression is not only okay, but celebrated…and we need to start thinking about sex in that light. After all, she says, women already do…and they can take it.

So why exactly is the bedroom the preferred venue for ‘playing rough’? And with that in mind…what are the guardrails? And what are some clear-cut examples of the kind of sexual aggression women LOVE in the context of a safe place to play in? And finally, the question you’ve all been waiting for…why is mixed wresling porn so hot?


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