Episode 82 – The “Mr. Nice Guy” Problem And How To Fix It

Co-Host Kevin Alexander

Co-Host: Kevin Alexander -- The Nice Guy Dating Podcast

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If you’re guilty of being a ‘nice guy’, you know how frustrating it is to hear women tell you they’re ‘just not feeling it’…right before they banish you to the dreaded Just Be Friends zone.

But WHY does this happen…especially when all women ever talk about is how much they want to find a ‘nice guy’? If you’re who they really want, then why do so many hot, sexy women end up with idiots and jerks instead?

Well, in this episode I’m joined by the host of the Nice Guy Dating Podcast himself, Kevin Alexander. Get ready for a completely different take on what’s wrong with the ‘nice guy’ persona, and how you can get out from under it and start making women genuinely ‘feel it’ for you, for a change.

I guarantee Kevin’s revolutionary thoughts on this topic, combined with one of my more epic rants all-time, will conspire to get you out of the JBF Zone and into the hearts, minds and naughty fantasies of women everywhere.

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