Snippets From The Summit 31 – Why Older Men Get Younger Women

Secrets From The Summit - The Mountain Top Podcast

Co-Host: Scot McKay - X & Y Communications

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Snippets From The Summit – Episode 31

Classic western movies drop major hints as to why older men get younger women, which is one of many great reasons to watch them. After all, the lessons seamlessly translate to real, modern life.

You see, when we’re younger, we may THINK we’re making all the right moves to attract women, but they’re only rolling their eyes at us. And here’s the thing…the older men are on to younger men’s antics as well.

Hey, it’s not like anyone’s being judgmental, at least per se. In fact, many of us ‘grizzled veterans’ look back at our younger selves and cringe. If only our younger selves could know what we know now, and act with more masculine maturity without waiting all those years for it to happen. Well, guess what…YOU still have a chance to skip to the head of the line.


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