Episode 90 – How To Make A Brilliant First Impression

Co-Host Kimberly Seltzer

Co-Host: Kimberly Seltzer - Seltzer Style

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It only takes a mere thirty seconds for someone to form a first impression of you. So what’s it gonna be?

According to my friend and co-host Kimberly Seltzer (but you can call her ‘Kim’), all the magic is in the clothes you wear, other elements of personal style, your attitude and your social skills.

In fact, you might be amazed how much your first impression is made or broken even before you say anything.

Kim is super smart, full of energy and a ton of fun, so tune in for a fast-paced discussion on ‘double yay-hoos’, ‘sergeant waitresses’, ‘Rockers For Dockers’ and everything else in between. You’ll also discover what’s in a name, and who ‘Susy’ is. All of this and more in one of the most hilarious episodes we’ve recorded lately.

When you’re done listening, you’ll be able to fill in the blanks… ‘When it comes to first impressions, men look at _____, but women look at _____.

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