Episode 114 – How Dating Advice Has Evolved

Co-Host Clifford Lee

Co-Host: Clifford Lee - Cliff's List

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This time I’m joined by a true legend in the world of men’s dating advice, none other than Clifford Lee. His claim to fame, of course, is the notorious Cliff’s List, which started out as a cornerstone of the ‘underground’ pickup artist movement back in the early ’00s and has evolved with the times to remain one of the top men’s portals.

As such, there’s no better guy to talk about how men’s dating and seduction advice is different nowadays than it used to be. But now that the PUA movement is dead and gone, it’s not like men have stopped needing to get better with women. So now what? Can there be another group of men as united in the cause of excellence with women as the Seduction Community was?

The truth is that because of changes in the socio-political climate, more men are looking for ‘natural’ ways to meet women without ‘running game’ or anything else that would appear sleazy.  Is that an overreaction, or simply a much-needed mindset correction? How have social media and dating apps contributed to the transformation of how men consume dating advice?

Tune in for the perhaps shocking but disarmingly reasonable and practical solution both Cliff and I reach together.  And absolutely check out Cliff’s List once you’re finished listening to this fine episode.

Meanwhile, PUA forums may be a thing of the past but you can (and should) join The Mountain Top Summit on Facebook, where you’ll find a solid group of high-character men like yourself: https://www.mountaintoppodcast.com/facebook.

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