Episode 179 – Why Do Techie Guys Struggle With Women?

Co-Host Myke Macapinlac

Co-Host: Myke Macapinlac - Social Confidence Mastery

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My co-host and returning guest Myke Macapinlac began his career as a techie guy in the IT world. Like many men in such a position, he often felt there was a ‘glass wall’ separating him from others socially.

Yet, it’s often as if techie otaku-type guys feel if they only work harder, make more money and get that coveted promotion, then attracting women–and their social life in general–will take care of itself. Unfortunately, that simply isn’t the case for most.

So why do left-brained guys in particular struggle so much socially? What are the three major traits that make someone more sociable–or even likable–to begin with?

What was it about early pickup advice that appealed to techie guys so much? How can you overcome crippling ‘analysis paralysis’, and how come plenty of other guys don’t seem to be affected by it in the least?

What does it really mean to ‘be inside your head’ as opposed to ‘in your body’? And hey, what happens when we meet a woman who is a left-brained, technical type?

Finally, what else can left-brained guys do to increase their overall attractiveness to women?

Mentioned In This Episode:

The Engineer’s Guide To Being Cooler Than The Salesguy

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