Episode 339 — Women All Over The World

Co-Host Walid El Jebbari

Co-Host: Walid El Jebbari - American Divorce Stories Podcast

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A lot of men fantasize about getting women from Eastern Europe, Colombia, The Philippines, etc. Sometimes it’s because they’re not having any luck finding a woman in their own country, but other times it’s because they suppose those women are sexier or more feminine than the ones in their neck of the woods.

Well, like me, my guest Walid El Jebbari has traveled all over the world and met all kinds of women. What’s more, he has actually dated plenty of them. Wait until you hear his thoughts on what’s the same and what’s different about women across various geographies, especially as it pertains to both socio-political factors and the masculine/feminine dance.

What is the big surprise that awaits most men when they get into a relationship with an Eastern European woman? Are Latinas really ‘hotter’ than other women? And which women are Walid’s favorite in the entire world? (HINT: The answer might surprise you.)

And here’s a particularly poignant question…what is it about us as men that changes in different parts of the world? Why are men from some countries more attractive to women?

Prepare yourself for an entertaining, spirited and downright interesting listening experience…and feel just a bit more ‘worldly’ for having partaken of it.

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