Co-Host: Brent Webb - Mind Power Expert
What is the source of this self-sabotage that keeps us from talking to that attractive woman or asking the boss for a raise?
What is the source of this self-sabotage that keeps us from talking to that attractive woman or asking the boss for a raise?
We all know women crave adventure, but they basically live in more fear than men. Here’s an example of how that plays out.
As men we have to get our point across, or else we’ll look “weak”. But that doesn’t mean we have to be a male “Karen” about it, right?
Have you ever seen someone yawn, then all of a sudden started yawning? If so, you’re half-way there.
Navy SEALs are famously resilient physically, but arguably even tougher mentally. There’s a lot we can learn, even about relating to women. And yes, you got this.
You’ve heard of ‘sugar daddies’ and heard women say, “You’re like a brother to me.” Well, THIS is the double whammy.
Talking to women and going out with them can feel more like a second job than a mini-vacation. Let’s flip that script, once and for all.
What do Hollywood leading men, quarterbacks, Mariachi singers and YOU have in common?
Sometimes when we need it the most, we as men are LEAST likely to tend to our mental health. What’s up with that?
Some men are genetically handsome. Some are really ugly. 90% of us are in the middle. We all can get the women we want. Here’s how…and why.
What are the four ways we as men tend to struggle? And why is it the most successful men tend to struggle the least?
What causes men and women go move seamlessly from meeting each other to being in a relationship together?
Most women think men have a hard time listening. How do we make them stop nagging us about it?
What does it even mean to “get jaded”? Whatever it is, it’s all about victimhood and only keeps us from success with women.
Now that Trump has been elected to another term, how will our interactions with women change…if at all?
Scot McKay has told North Korean tour guides bad jokes, sipped coffee served by Pablo Escobar’s maid, survived a shark attack, held his breath as the lions walked by his tent and blitzed through California canyons at 140 mph. Yet somehow, he has also been referred to as the “sane one” on Twitter by Scott Adams. But despite once being mobbed by the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders and that time he beat the World Champion at his own sport (no details available), he’s still the most objective and down-to-earth dating expert out there. Scot’s wife Emily is his “proof of concept”, given that she’s just as sweet as she is smokin’ hot. But you’ll never hear her brag about that, only Scot. The Mountain Top was named a Top 10 Dating Podcast by, and a long time ago ranked Scot the #1 most influential Facebook user in the world.
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