Episode 113 – Living Together

Co-Host Damona Hoffman

Co-Host: Damona Hoffman - A Question Of Love

More from this Guest

Lots of couples move in with each other these days, and there are more reasons why than you might think. My special guest Damona Hoffman spends as much time thinking about ‘cohabitation psychology’ as anyone. After all, she’s the resident dating expert on the new FYI Network show A Question Of Love, featuring three couples about to embark on the adventure of living together.

We talk about the hurdles couples have to overcome, the three discussions that MUST take place before moving in together and our three best keys to living with a significant other without tearing each other apart.

Does the sex get better…or worse? What about cross-cultural misunderstandings and misguided expectations? Should you sign a ‘pre-hab’? On top of all else, we rant about how smartphones and online dating have changed people’s expectations and brought about unexpected relationship challenges.

Find out everything there is to know about Damona at https://www.mountaintoppodcast.com/hoffman, and be sure to tune in to her brand new show A Question Of Love, Tuesday nights on the FYI Network.

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