Episode 125 – A Thrilled, Happy Woman Who Adores You

Co-Host: Elliott Katz - International Bestselling Author

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No kidding…my co-host Elliot Katz (author of the international bestseller Being the Strong Man a Woman Wants: Timeless Wisdom on Being a Man) and I had to work pretty hard to come up with a topic for this show. That’s because he and I think so much alike that probably his first half-dozen ideas were quite literally the very cornerstones of everything we’ve done here at X & Y Communications for a dozen years.

But using the previous episode on happiness as a jumping-off point, we decided to talk about happy women…and more specifically, what it takes to MAKE them happy. After all, as the adage goes, ‘if mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy’.

Wait, is that even true?

And how come men typically try to do everything they can to make their woman happy, yet she still isn’t? What do you do when you do EVERYTHING for her, and she still wants MORE, MORE, MORE?

Far too many men willingly emasculate themselves in a relationship, complain about it, and then are surprised when the woman respects them even less. We cover why women ‘test’ men, and how to make it a non-issue. Then we discuss why being a ‘people pleaser’ is a lose/lose, and how to stop it.

You’ll hear the excuses men readily give for not being the man women want. Then we talk about how our own culture of friendship with other men perpetuates the core problem of women not respecting us as men.

Does make sense to try to change one another in a relationship, and does that make everyone happier?

We also reveal the secret to getting her to stop nagging, and how to buy yourself brand new golf clubs and have her love you for it.

Ultimately, the real questions are these: Are we responsible for a woman’s happiness? Is she responsible for ours? Can you MAKE some happy (with no apologies for the random Ren and Stimpy reference)?


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