Episode 131 – Why Men Never Ask For Help

Co-Host Marc Mawhinney

Co-Host: Marc Mawhinney - Natural Born Coaches

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Take a poll of normal, red-blooded men and I bet we’d rank GPS very high on the list of “most amazing technological advances of the last quarter century”.

Why?  Because it makes it so you never, ever have to ask for directions ever again.  Better yet, you don’t have to depend on your wife or girlfriend in the passenger seat to read a friggin’ map for you.

I know.  We suck, right?

And yes, it’s a running joke.  Men don’t ask for help.  Ever.

We lose our businesses, our friends, our sanity and even our physical health because of it.

And that’s no joke.

But then again, does that mean we need to be “mansplained” or even flat-out rescued any time something seems to be outside our realm of personal expertise?

This is a serious conversation after all, isn’t it?  And yet, it’s one nobody seems to dare to have…

…Until now.

My main man Marc Mawhinney is a well-known “coach of coaches”, making him the perfect guy to throw down this topic with.

Rest assured, it’s not all serious business all the time.  We made sure to throw in some laughs, just for good measure:


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