Episode 164 – Frying The Circuits Of Sexuality As We Know It Since 2002

Co-Host Tony Bogaert

Co-Host: Tony Bogaert - Understanding Asexuality

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Asexuality as a sexual orientation may seem on the surface as if it’s no orientation toward sexuality at all. But in reality, it’s a much more complex subject than most people think. In fact, quite a number of people experience sexual attraction differently from the majority of everyone else.

Enter world expert on asexuality, Tony Bogaert from Brock University in Canada. The truth is there’s much yet to be discovered on this fascinating subject, as Tony’s own groundbreaking research really only dates back to 2002.

What’s more, it’s like the gateway to ‘The Wild West’ when it comes to sexual studies in general…as you’ll find out.

So what is it that defines someone as part of the ‘Ace Community’? What does it feel like to be asexual? Is there such thing as asexual romance?

Indeed, one of the most powerful aspects of studying asexuality is how it informs the broader study of sexuality itself in so many unexpected ways.

For example, what are the dynamics of a relationship between an ace person and a non-ace person? Would an asexual man be the perfect partner for a woman who has been sexually damaged in the past?

Does asexuality actually relieve guilt and shame in the context of faith? How do asexual men handle the biological need to ejaculate?

And what about greysexuality? Demisexuality? Even sapiosexuality? How are they related?

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