Episode 215 – Handling Arguments And Disagreements With Women Like A Man

Co-Host Jed Jurchenko

Co-Host: Jed Jurchenko - Joyfully Married

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When my guest Jed Jurchenko first got married, he assumed everything would go wonderfully because, well…that’s how it’s supposed to work, right?

Little did he know he was in for a total train wreck. Emerging from that rocky first marriage, Jed sought to understand how to build a relationship around mutual trust, a sane mindset and solid communication skills.

Indeed, it’s not that couples won’t ever disagree, but what is the best way to handle conflict when it arises? Well, for starters you’ll discover the number one best philosophy for virtually eliminating hateful, spiteful arguments…and it might not be what you think.

What’s the best way to effectively resolve an argument, and how exactly do you know when it has indeed been resolved? What are examples of ‘atomic bombs’ that should be avoided at all costs during relational conflict?

If you have a long history of being ‘Mr. Nice Guy’ in relationships, what are the ramifications of that? And how can you proactively guard against future arguments even as you go about your day-to-day relationship?

What is the golden secret that makes arguing virtually impossible? Is it really all about communication, or is there a more foundational element that must be addressed first?

Just for good measure, you’ll hear the powerful phrase that really gets to the heart of the matter when things get crazy. Why do women resort to nagging their men, anyway? And obviously, we’d be remiss if we didn’t talk about COVID-induced stress.

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