Episode 115 – How Has Donald Trump Affected Dating And Attraction?

Co-Host Rich Gosse

Co-Host: Rich Gosse - Society of Single Professionals

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First of all, let’s get something important out of the way.  This show is NOT about politics, and this episode is no exception. I personally didn’t vote for either Trump or Clinton, and I couldn’t care less which way you lean.

Nevertheless, there’s no doubt a fascinating discussion awaits when one considers how Donald Trump’s candidacy and subsequent presidency have affected male/female relations and continue to do so.

Well, my co-host Rich Gosse has been burning the midnight oil considering that very topic.  He is head of the world’s largest singles group and the author of The Donald Trump Syndrome: Why Women Choose The Wrong Men To Love.

What got my attention most about this guy is he’s actually hosting mixer parties in California for the multitude of women there who can’t stand Donald Trump. So who are the guys he’s inviting? Get this… Rich’s hypothesis is that women SAY they want a man who’s older, taller, richer, better educated and more ‘alpha’. But since “The Donald” represents all of those traits and women still seem to abhor him, maybe they really don’t want a guy like that…or at least shouldn’t.  So why not introduce these ladies to men who are younger, shorter, poorer, less-educated and incredibly shy?

Now, if you’re like me, you’ve GOT to be wondering how well these parties have been going. Let’s just say Rich swears they’re incredibly successful for everyone involved. Does this mean the whole paradigm of what women are attracted to really is changing, or is there something deeper and perhaps more subtle involved here?

As you may guess, you’re in for one of the most spirited debates ever recorded in this history of this show, taking twists and turns nobody saw coming.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT:  My first all-new program in over three years has now been released. It’s called ‘Invincible’, and it’s all about making you a bolder, more confident and more dominant man in the best way possible. See what’s included and grab your copy here: https://www.mountaintoppodcast.com/invincible.


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