Episode 176 – When Former Pickup Artists Father Daughters

Co-Host Mark Sing

Co-Host: Mark Sing - The Unapologetic Man Podcast

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So many of us as men are terrified of fatherhood to begin with. But if and when the time comes, we almost invariably hope for a son…you know, a “chip off the old block”.

But every man who fathers a little girl immediately realizes that daughters are equally amazing in their own unique and wonderful ways. For many men, that signals somewhat of a transformation of how they view women in general.

This is all-important because of the tremendous influence we as fathers have on our daughters (and also on our sons, of course), regardless of what some naysayers may want us to believe.

Well, my guest is NLP coach and Unapologetic Man Podcast host Mark Sing, who is the perfect co-host for this episode because he is the proud new dad of a three-month old little girl.

His perspective, combined with that of a grizzled fatherhood vet like me makes for one rambunctious show. Get ready for an honest, down-to-earth discussion about the intricacies of being a man who not only loves women, but loves certain women particularly dearly.

Is your role as a provider and protector meaningful in the same way for your daughter as it is for her mom? And on a lighter note, what’s the real deal with ‘dad jokes’?

Fair warning…this episode ended up featuring longer-than-normal soliloquies by both of us, but it’s all in the name of waxing philosophical about such a deeply personal and impactful topic.

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