Episode 348 – Masculine Leadership And Attraction In A Virtual World

Co-Host Gleb Tsipursky

Co-Host: Dr. Gleb Tsipursky - Disaster Avoidance Experts

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Men and women have been meeting each other through computers for ages now, of course. But during the pandemic we were actually told to stay away from each other IRL and focus on ‘Zoom dating’, remember?

For better or worse, even now people are still not leaving the house to socialize. Many are still even complaining about having to leave the house to go to work. All of this may not be optimal for real, actual interpersonal socialization…but it’s what most people want.

So, according to my good friend Dr. Gleb Tsipursky, we’d better stop fighting it and start getting used to it. And here’s the thing…that means our classic ideas regarding masculine leadership and even attracting women have GOT to adapt. Men who do so successfully will win, while those who don’t will be left in the dust.

So then, you can see just how important this topic really is, even as NOBODY else seems to be discussing it. First off, in-person everything is trying to be replaced by virtual meetings and deliveries. But is that even really possible? It has to be…or else.

What is ‘status quo bias’, and how does it work in combination with ‘functional fixedness’? What are the real reasons why women seem to prolong virtual interaction before actually meeting?

What are ‘native virtual interactions’, are they anything like ‘naked virtual interactions’, and why don’t we do more of either of those with women? How does all of this translate to greater effectiveness and influence as leaders in business and in our social circles?

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Disaster Avoidance Experts

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