Episode 425 – The Truth About Imposter Syndrome

Co-Hosts Anne Dranitsaris and Heather Hilliard

Co-Host: Anne Dranitsaris and Heather Hilliard - Caliber Leadership Systems

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Today we’re covering a topic that virtually EVERY man experiences. And weirdly, if EVERY man experiences it, NONE of us have any business experiencing it. I have to be referring to ye olde imposter syndrome, of course.

My returning guests Anne and Heather from Canada have literally written the book on the subject and break it down in detail like you’ve never heard before. So why does every one of us typically think there’s something wrong with ourselves that disqualifies us from success? I mean, if not us, then who?

This insidious phenomenon rears it ugly head not only when we’re approaching and relating to women, but in our careers and social lives as well. So what’s up with the rumor that even ‘average’ women won’t settle for anyone less than the perfect man?

And how are we supposed to feel when we apply to like three dozen jobs on Indeed or ZipRecruiter that are absolutely perfect for us…but only get crickets in return? I mean, it’s easy to believe there really IS something wrong with us under those circumstances, isn’t it?

What if you actually DO try but indeed fail spectacularly? And also, what if so-called ‘rejection’ isn’t really about you? Well, according to Anne and Heather, we as humans tend to pathologize situations that are absolutely normal, which has a way of making even relatively small make or break situations feel massive.

So where’s the balance between humility and utter lack of effective self-concept? And how can we stop giving our power away and reclaim it as we should?


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