Co-Host: Scot McKay - X & Y Communications
We know women value safety and security…and when we provide it, they get turned on. Sounds dangerous, doesn’t it?
We know women value safety and security…and when we provide it, they get turned on. Sounds dangerous, doesn’t it?
Twenty years later, what if we’ve gone from THE Game to simply A game? It might be the best thing that’s every happened to our masculine attractiveness.
It’s weird, but true…if a woman we’ve never met before is already interested in us, we tend to find a reason to be attracted to her. Are we out of our mind?
Every man has his demons. Here’s how to battle them and emerge victorious.
How is it so many men end up with the wrong woman…over and over again? Could it be we’ve all bought in to a myth that isn’t serving us?
Get off the bench and get in the game. Then rise to the level of a champion.
Many men think they’re commanding respect out there, but their Dunning-Kruger is showing. Don’t be that guy.
First, our guest got a best friend. Then, he got a girlfriend. The sequence of events is not a coincidence.
This is my long overdue message from the heart for you guys who have been jaded against women…even to the point of going your own way.
Just because certain dating, seduction and relationship advice sounds good to us doesn’t mean it’s sound advice.
What happens when over a billion people watch you lose your cool? Men aren’t impressed. But worse, women are afraid.
Everyone talks about living “your best life”. But how can you do that without uprooting everything?
There’s evidence we’re waking up from being told what to think and do by the media…or at least some of us are.
If she’s worth having sex with once, isn’t she worth keeping around for a while?
What is going on here between you and that woman you’ve been seeing? Is she your girlfriend, or what?
Scot McKay has told North Korean tour guides bad jokes, sipped coffee served by Pablo Escobar’s maid, survived a shark attack, held his breath as the lions walked by his tent and blitzed through California canyons at 140 mph. Yet somehow, Scott Adams called him the “sane one” on X. But despite once being mobbed by the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders and that time he beat the World Champion at his own sport (no details available), he’s still the most objective and down-to-earth dating expert out there. Scot’s wife Emily is his “proof of concept”, given that she’s just as sweet as she is smokin’ hot. But you’ll never hear her brag about that, only Scot. A ListenNotes Top 1% show, The Mountain Top is also ranked a Top 10 dating podcast by both and GoodPods, and is the #2 masculinity podcast worldwide on FeedSpot’s list.
Views expressed by guests do not necessarily reflect those of the host and/or X & Y Communications. Guest appearances ≠ endorsements unless specifically noted.