Episode 143 – How To Know When You’ve Met Your Match

Co-Host Rachel Russo

Co-Host: Rachel Russo - NYC Matchmaker

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You’ll likely go out with a whole lot of women before you meet the one you want to keep around forever. And according to matchmaker Rachel Russo, you absolutely can meet her.

She wants to assure you all women aren’t crazy, pathologically jealous or gold diggers. In fact, her top way to know if you’re with the WRONG woman is so simple it might surprise you, but it’s also probably the first one that popped into your head.

Find out why men fall for entering into relationships they don’t even want, and how to make sure it never happens to you. You’ll also get a valid definition of ‘chemistry’, and why it really is important to a relationship.

What does it mean to be truly compatible with someone? And how about going back to someone from your past? Should couples be alike or do opposites attract? How much do common interests matter?

Also discover what your style of relating has to do with long-term success, and how respect enters into all of this. Finally, how much self-work do you really have to do in order to be ready to meet the right woman?

By the way, yes…’sex with a c’ should have been ‘copulation’. Even ‘coitus’ would have been acceptable, but it’s hard to be that quick on one’s feet all the time.


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